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Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Risk of Developing Uterine Cancer Is Growing, Especially Among Black Women

When Linda Collins had a return to menstruation, she had gone through the menopause for about ten years at the time. She just had minor bleeding, which was more like spotting here and there, and she didn’t give it any mind at all.

After she had put off going in for a checkup for so long, she did it at last, but the doctor wouldn’t release her until she had a biopsy. In a few of days, Ms. Collins was informed that she had cancer of the uterus, namely a very severe type of the disease.

Ms. Collins, 64, a retired woman living in the Bronx, shared her story, saying, “I had no pain, no other symptoms, and I didn’t think seriously about it.” “Doing it was a bad idea.”

It is anticipated that by the year 2040, cancer of the uterus, also known as endometrial cancer, will displace colorectal cancer as the third most common cancer among women and the fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths among women, displacing colorectal cancer as the third most common cancer among women.

According to a research that was published not too long ago in the journal JAMA Oncology, the death rate has been rising at an overall rate of about 2 percent per year, with even greater jumps among Asian, Hispanic, and Black women. Despite the rise in cases, there has been a lack of attention paid by the general public to the condition.

A change in menstrual bleeding, either before or after menopause, is one of the primary warning signs of uterine cancer. Other warning signs include pelvic pain, painful urination and intercourse, and overall higher survival rates when uterine cancer is detected early. However, few women are aware that this is one of the primary warning signs.

For a long time, it was thought that Black women had a lower risk of developing uterine cancer. However, more recent research has shown that not only is it more likely to affect Black women, but it is also more likely to be fatal when it does.

According to a study that was released in March by an expert group that was organised by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the death rate for uterine cancer among black women is twice as high as the death rate among white women.

According to the findings of the analysis, this disparity is one of the biggest racial inequalities ever reported for any kind of cancer. A kind of uterine cancer known as non-endometrioid uterine cancer, which is a more aggressive variety, is also more likely to occur in black women.

According to Dr. Shannon Westin, a gynecologic oncologist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, uterine cancer is being detected more frequently in younger women who are still in their childbearing years as well as in women who do not have any of the known risk factors, such as obesity, infertility, or never having been pregnant. This is true across all populations.

Black women constituted slightly under 10 percent of the 208,587 uterine cancer cases identified in the United States between 2000 and 2017, but they made up over 18 percent of the roughly 16,797 uterine cancer fatalities during that time, Dr. Clarke’s research revealed.

It is not completely known what is causing the rise in the number of instances of uterine cancer. Endometrioid cancer, which is the most frequent kind, is linked to oestrogen exposure, which is increased in the presence of obesity. The obesity prevalence in the United States has been steadily increasing over the last several decades.

She has discovered that ultrasound scans that measure the thickness of the uterine wall are less accurate when patients have the more dangerous non-endometrioid type of uterine cancer, which is more common among Black women. Her research has shown that this type of cancer is more prevalent in this population.

She discovered that women who have uterine fibroids, which block the vision of the scanner, had scans that are less successful than those of women who do not. That may explain why Black women, many of whom suffer from uterine fibroids, are more typically discovered later in the illness process, Dr. Doll added.

It has been three years since Ms. Collins had a hysterectomy and underwent radiation treatment for her condition. She now goes out of her way to warn friends and acquaintances to quickly go to their physicians about unusual bleeding or other symptoms like discomfort, bloating or unexpected weight loss.

Jonathan James
Jonathan James
I serve as a Senior Executive Journalist of The National Era
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