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Saturday, July 27, 2024

An Eminent Doctor in Manhattan Is Currently Being Investigated for Sexual Assault

Since the 1980s, Dr. Kevin M. Cahill has been a mainstay in the New York community. He was a personal friend of Governor Hugh Carey and served as a top advisor to him in the 1970s. During that time, he was instrumental in the development of the state’s health agencies and was regarded as the administration’s most prominent voice on health policy.

During the medical exams, the patient claims that Dr. Cahill sexually assaulted her by tearing open her paper gown, fondling her breasts, piercing her anus with his finger or another object, forcibly kissing her, and telling her that he loved her. The lawsuit alleges that Dr. Cahill also told the patient that he loved her.

Since the lawsuit was first filed, another former patient has come forward with claims that are similar to the ones previously made against the doctor. According to Leo F. McGinity Jr., the doctor’s attorney, the State Health Department has started an inquiry into the matter.

He said that the charges were baseless and that Dr. Cahill had at all times conducted herself in a professional manner. The requests for an interview with Dr. Cahill, who has not been accused of committing any crimes, were not met with a response.

According to Mr. McGinity, the woman who sued Dr. Cahill, whose practise has been closed since the start of the pandemic, was using a friendship for financial gain and had demanded compensation even before she took legal action. Dr. Cahill’s practise has been closed since the beginning of the pandemic. He said, “I don’t think there is any truth whatsoever to the idea that he pressed her for anything more than friendship,” and he strongly believes that this is not the case.

This instance follows a litany of others that have occurred in recent times in which patients have complained that they were sexually molested by physicians. Doctors are members of a profession that is largely self-regulated and are used to being treated with deference by the general public.

Megan Wesko, who is 32 years old and is making her first public appearance in connection with this piece, is the former patient who filed a lawsuit against Dr. Cahill.

Because of the statutes of limitations that were in place in 2020 when Ms. Wesko’s complaint was filed, the only claimed incidents for which the action sought damages were those that occurred during the previous two years. However, legal professionals anticipate a deluge more cases of a similar kind in the next year.

She said that when she became angry with him, she sent him an email in which she requested that he give her the title to the flat in Manhattan that he had insisted she see in order to make up for the emotional distress she believed he had caused.

She got a response from Mr. McGinity, Dr. Cahill’s attorney, indicating that her email was an attempt at extortion and that she may go to prison if Dr. Cahill brought charges against her. Mr. McGinity’s message was sent to her.

Even if Ms. Wesko is successful in her legal battle, it is quite doubtful that she will be awarded a large sum of money. A judge has ruled that any monetary compensation in the case must be capped at the amount of her debt, which is approximately $30,000, and must go to reimburse her creditors. She filed for bankruptcy around the same time that she filed her lawsuit because her medical bills were mounting, and the judge has ordered that any monetary compensation in the case must go to reimburse her creditors.

According to Natalie Mauro, who is 35 years old, she was recommended to Dr. Cahill for vaccinations by Fordham University so that she might go to Guyana in 2006 as part of a worldwide outreach programme. It was determined that she needed to see Dr. Cahill once again since she had been unwell after her return.

She said that Dr. Cahill provided Ms. Mauro with a paper gown to change into; however, the gown was so tiny that it could not be closed, so Ms. Mauro wore it with the opening towards the rear of her body. Ms. Mauro said in an interview that when the man entered the room there was no nurse there and that he quickly moved up behind her and pulled the front of her gown apart.

In spite of the fact that she was suffering from gastrointestinal issues, he checked her breasts, instructed her to lay on her side, and then placed something into her anus, according to what she stated. She is unsure of what it was. “I remember gasping,” Ms. Mauro recalled.

Jonathan James
Jonathan James
I serve as a Senior Executive Journalist of The National Era
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