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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Harvee Pene’s 101 Life Changing Strategies by 101 Life Changing Accountants Reach 11000+ Book Sales

Harvee Pene, the founder of Life Changing Accountants and The Greater Good Publishing Co. has authored a total of 12 books as of 2022 to assist budding accountants in AU, UK, USA, Canada and South Africa to ‘Stand Out’ and grow their businesses. The book publishing company by Pene witnessed a celebratory moment reaching 11000+ book sales working with 101 selected accountants.

Pene in his comment on social media expressed gratitude towards his General Manager for the author/accountants who have published through The Greater Good Publishing Co. “I’m super excited (and relieved) to announce that last week we officially created our first 6 authors through my new company – ‘The Greater Good Publishing Co.”, stated Pene.

The publishing company has a branded edition of five Best Selling books as a ‘business card on steroids’ for the Accounting firm owner — kind of like how Boeing supplies jets to Qantas, Emirates and Virgin. Pene’s signature books include “101 Strategies for Business Owners to SAVE TAX without doing anything dodgy, unethical or against the law”; “101 Strategies for Business Owners to BOOST PROFITS using the five-step P.R.O.F.I.T.S. method to go from mildly to wildly profitable”; “101 Strategies for Business Owners to PROTECT ASSETS by quarantining your hard earned personal wealth from Crooks, Creditors and the Courts”; “101 Strategies for Business Owners to CREATE WEALTH using the seven-step W.E.A.L.T.H.Y method to go from passive to massive income” and “101 Strategies for Business Owners to BECOME A BUSINESS FOR GOOD growing your I.M.P.A.C.T because doing good is the new great.”

“Writing these books kept me busy during my post Inspire retirement and never-ending lockdowns, so it’s nice to finally be bringing them into the world”, said Harvee. 

“We chose collaboration over competition so that we each can make more of an impact in our clients’ lives. This is why you’ll see a number of books with the same title, co-authored by my colleagues of the same heart”, he added.

Harvee Pene is the man who created one of Australia’s most-admired, most successful and most talked-about accounting firms, ‘Inspire – Life Changing Accountants.’ He is well-known for reaching $10M of proactive tax savings for his small business clients and giving 10 Million days of access to Food, Water, Health and Sanitation to families in need across 16 countries for every dollar saved. 

As a result, ‘INSPIRE’ was twice recognized as one of the ‘Top 100 Companies in Australia’ and Harvee as its co-founder was awarded One of Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Australia. He is on a mission to give one billion days of Life Changing help to families in need and end extreme global poverty by 2030.

David Faber
David Faber
I am a Business Journalist of The National Era
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