27.3 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Netanyahu Discharged from Hospital Following Medical Examinations

After undergoing a battery of tests and having an implanted cardiac monitor placed overnight, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from the hospital on Sunday in “excellent condition,” according to hospital authorities.

Mr. Netanyahu, 73, had been experiencing slight dizziness on Saturday and was taken to the prestigious Sheba Medical Centre in the Tel Aviv area. His dehydration was confirmed by the doctors.

The prime minister’s office and medical staff said that all of his cardiac tests on Sunday morning came back negative.

While the prime minister was awake and alert, Professor Segev claimed, “a series of comprehensive and routine examinations” were conducted. This included an electrocardiogram. The professor said that there was no evidence of cardiac arrhythmia.

Mr. Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime leader, broadcast a video Saturday night from the hospital, seeming happy and saying that he was “feeling very well,” in an effort to calm concerns about his health after early contradictory reports.

The weekly cabinet meeting, originally set for Sunday morning, was postponed until Monday because he would be spending the night in the hospital and undergoing extra normal testing.

Mr. Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, is now navigating one of the most turbulent times in his political career. His alliance of hard-line right-wing and religious conservatives wants a comprehensive reform of the Israeli judiciary, but they face up against a growing popular protest movement that includes many important elements of Israeli society. Proponents of the change argue that it is vital to reduce the influence of unelected judges and reestablish a proper balance of power among the three branches of government. Critics claim the reforms are anti-democratic and would usher in a dictatorship.

For the 28th week in a row, hundreds took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday night, only a short distance from the hospital where Mr. Netanyahu was spending the night. The countrywide protest movement is comprised of both medical professionals and high-tech business executives in addition to military reservists. If this proposal goes through, union officials have threatened a widespread walkout.

Both the occupied West Bank and Israel’s hostile northern border with Lebanon are sources of unrest.

Mr. Netanyahu had chest trouble in the weeks leading up to last year’s election, prompting a short hospital stay in October. The following day, he was caught on camera out for a jog. In 2018, he had a short hospital stay due to a fever.

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