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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The passage of a bold safety net measure was made easier by painful changes in society

Representative Stephen F. Lynch of Massachusetts was one of 34 House Democrats who broke with their president in March 2010 to vote against passage of the Affordable Care Act, despite the presence of Tea Party activists protesting loudly in the hallways of Capitol Hill and with political wind in their faces.

However, although it was not enough to bring down the legislation, it was more than enough to express profound reservations about its reach in American culture — and the possible influence on the next midterm elections.

Lynch and every other Democrat but one cast votes on Friday in support of spending over $2 trillion on social welfare and climate change initiatives, which arguably go considerably further than the health bill — in fact, further than any major government involvement in half a century. At least on their side of the aisle, there was little trace of the issues that drove so many Democrats away from the health-care legislation more than a decade ago.

“I’ve been in the minority a number of times, and I’ve served in the majority a couple of times,” Mr. Lynch, the only surviving Democratic member of the House of Representatives who voted against President Barack Obama’s biggest domestic accomplishment, said. “I’ve gained a greater understanding of the passage of time and how uncommon are the opportunities to take on something and effect meaningful change.”

During the decade between the first and second votes, political and economic changes occurred in the United States, which may have explained how a party that was still split could unify behind legislation of such magnitude. As a result of the most severe public health crisis in a century, economic stagnation among the middle class and skyrocketing riches among the ultra affluent were exposed. The recovery from the coronavirus epidemic is still being held back by high child care expenses and limited educational opportunities, which have forced parents to stay at home instead of going to work.

As they made their way to the Capitol to cast their votes, Democrats looked to be united by these forces. In contrast to the furious cries of opponents that greeted Democrats in 2010 as they prepared to pass the Affordable Care Act, there were no such cries today. Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, delivered an eight-hour speech that proved to be the most significant obstacle to their passing. Apart from a tiny group of supporters chanting old union songs and a person costumed as the Build Back Better Act, which was fashioned after the legislation shown in an old “Schoolhouse Rock” video, the only activists in attendance were outside the chamber.

Yet a combined assault by business organisations such as the United States Chamber of Commerce and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, their political operatives at organisations such as the American Action Network, and the intense focus of the Republican Party against what they call “socialist” early education, crippling tax increases, and dangerous limitations on drug companies was insufficient to peel away even four House Democrats, the bare minimum that would have been required.

Whether or whether voters adopt Republicans’ pessimistic assessment of the package will be tested in competitive contests next year, as will their trust that Democratic leaders are delivering critical services that will be widely attractive. Democratic candidate for an open Senate seat in Ohio, Representative Tim Ryan, a representative from a working-class part of the state, claims the Republicans have dug themselves a political hole by opposing the legislation.

Although the social welfare and climate bill has not yet been signed into law, Democrats from across the political spectrum agree that getting it this far was a tremendous accomplishment, one that was made possible only by the sociological and economic shifts that occurred before it.

Republicans continue to wager that Americans will be riveted by the sight of a Democratic president labouring for months to unify his divided party behind his policy programme, as they have in the past. He and other Republicans argue that the country’s sense of adrift has been exacerbated by the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan as well as rising inflation and unsteady economic growth. They also assert that they will not permit Democratic leaders to use the social safety net bill to divert attention away from those concerns.

An average moderate Democrat was socially liberal on topics such as abortion and immigration but economically conservative on government spending in 2010, and many of them voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. An whole new breed of moderates has arisen in recent years, one that is more economically populist while also being more hesitant on progressive social issues like as immigration, defunding police forces, and urgent remedies to racial injustice. On Friday, they voted in favour of the legislation.

Republicans have warned that Democrats would pay a high electoral price if they continue to oppose them. Those who oppose the plan point to the increasing number of retirement announcements, the latest of which came on Thursday from Representative G.K. Butterfield, a senior Black Democrat from North Carolina who faces a difficult re-election campaign if a Republican-gerrymandered district map for 2022 is approved by the Supreme Court.

Jonathan James
Jonathan James
I serve as a Senior Executive Journalist of The National Era
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