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Friday, July 26, 2024

Top Jeweler Exclusively Relies on Recycled Metals for Sourcing

Pandora, renowned for its accessible sterling-silver charm bracelets, has emerged as the world’s largest jewelry company by volume, selling over 100 million pieces annually. In a significant move this week, the Danish brand announced its transition to sourcing only 100-percent-recycled silver and gold for its collections.

This shift marks a pivotal step by a major corporation to mitigate its environmental impact. Alexander Lacik, Pandora’s chief executive, emphasized the company’s commitment to setting a positive example.

By utilizing metals that have already been mined, Pandora aims to reduce its carbon footprint significantly. Unlike mining, which demands extensive energy and resources, recycling offers a more sustainable alternative. According to statistics cited by Pandora from the World Gold Council and other entities, recycling gold reduces emissions by about 99 percent compared to mining, while recycling silver reduces carbon emissions by about 66 percent.

While Pandora’s move aligns with broader efforts in the industry to embrace recycled materials, some experts caution against overlooking potential complexities. Tiffany Stevens, the chief executive of the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, highlighted the ambiguous nature of the term “recycled” and its potential to create a misleading perception of environmental responsibility.

Stevens emphasized the need for transparency regarding the origins of metals used in jewelry production. She noted concerns about the term “recycled” obscuring the sources of some metals, such as those obtained by unethical practices like child labor or funding criminal activities.

The Alliance For Responsible Mining, an advocacy group, advocates for alternative approaches to improving the jewelry industry’s supply chains. Rather than exclusively relying on recycled metals, the alliance suggests supporting initiatives that promote responsible mining practices, particularly among small-scale miners.

However, Mr. Lacik emphasized that Pandora’s decision prioritizes environmental considerations over potential impacts on small-scale miners. While acknowledging the challenges faced by these communities, he stressed the urgency of addressing climate change.

Despite Pandora’s shift to recycled metals, global mining activities for new gold and silver have not shown signs of slowing down. This suggests that while the adoption of recycled materials by companies like Pandora is commendable, its overall impact on reducing the climate footprint of mining remains limited.

The transition to using recycled metals at Pandora has involved significant organizational adjustments. A team of 100 employees has been dedicated to implementing the change, which required adapting processes and equipment to meet standards set by the Responsible Jewellery Council.

Pandora has also established partnerships with reputable suppliers of recycled metals, such as MKS PAMP, a Swiss refinery and trader. Xavier Miserez, the refinery’s head of sales, emphasized their meticulous approach to supply chain transparency and risk mitigation.

Despite the increased cost associated with sourcing recycled metals, estimated at about $10 million annually, Mr. Lacik expressed Pandora’s willingness to absorb these expenses. He acknowledged that while sustainability concerns may resonate with some jewelry shoppers, factors like design and price remain primary drivers of consumer behavior.

In essence, Pandora’s transition to using recycled metals underscores a broader industry trend towards sustainability. While commendable, the effectiveness of such initiatives in mitigating the environmental impact of mining requires continued scrutiny and concerted efforts across the jewelry sector.

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