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Friday, July 26, 2024

White House said there would be no change to the United States’ “One China” policy

The White House has come out in support of President Joe Biden’s statements that the United States military would defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China. Biden was responding to a “hypothetical question,” according to the White House, and his comments do not reflect any change in the United States’ “One China” policy.

During an interview that aired on Sunday’s episode of “60 Minutes” on CBS, President Joe Biden reaffirmed his earlier commitment to protect Taiwan in the event that it comes under attack.

According to CNN, the statements constituted yet another instance of the President seeming to push beyond the longtime policy of “strategic ambiguity” on the topic that the United States has maintained about the matter.

We will never waver from our commitment to the One China policy, as the President made clear in his conversation with 60 Minutes. We will not back down from our stance against changes made to the status quo that are made unilaterally. Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, said to reporters during a press conference held at the White House that the United States would “continue to support for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

The United States adheres to the “One China” policy, which states that it recognises China’s stance that Taiwan is a part of China. However, the United States has never formally recognised the Communist Party’s claim to the 23 million people living on the self-governing island.

In response to a question regarding President Biden’s most recent interview, Sullivan stated that the President has reiterated those fundamental commitments on every occasion that he has talked about Taiwan. This includes this interview, in which he specifically, emphatically, and unequivocally reinforced and reiterated the One China policy.

During this interview, he was questioned with a hypothetical scenario. Back in May in Tokyo, he was questioned in a manner that was quite similar to this. In the interview for 60 Minutes, he provided an explanation that was quite similar to the one he gave in May in Tokyo “Sullivan stated.

“Following the delivery of that response in Tokyo, someone directly asked him, Have you just disclosed a significant policy change? And he said, “No, I haven’t done that.” I have provided a response to a question that is hypothetical.

When the President of the United States decides that it is time to modify government policy, he will make the announcement.

According to him, Joe Biden is a simple person.

A hypothetical question was responded to by him. A response very much like that has been given by him in the past. And he has made it quite clear that the United States stance toward Taiwan has not been altered, “Sullivan added.

“He underlined that he supports the long-standing policy of the United States toward Taiwan, which has persisted through both Democratic and Republican administrations, and which has contributed to the maintenance of peace and stability on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for many years.

In the meanwhile, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said in an interview with CBS News that the United States would continue to engage with the Chinese in the Security Council.

The statement made by the President should make it clear to Beijing that there has been no shift in the direction of our policy. She underlined that while we continue to support the One China policy, we have been crystal clear in our defence of Taiwan’s right to exist, just as the President was crystal clear on 60 Minutes on Sunday in his remarks.

China made it quite plain to the United States government on Monday, hours after President Joe Biden’s statements, that it would not accept any operations that attempt to divide the nation and that it will take “necessary steps” to preserve its sovereignty.

Jonathan James
Jonathan James
I serve as a Senior Executive Journalist of The National Era
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